ALA American Library Association Conference / Chicago
American Library Association Conference in Chicago. Signing at the Dark Horse Booth
ENA Ensemble at the Free Library / Celestial / PHILADELPHIA
Opera Aria TOUCHING THE SUN by Cecil Castellucci & Rose Hall is a part of the ENA Ensemble Serial Opera / Celestial at the Free Library in Philadelphia. Two performances on January 25th
ENAensemble presents its second Serial Opera Project, a multi-month performance of a new chamber opera in three parts, written by three different composer-librettist teams and centered around the loose theme of “the celestial.” Each performance in the series will feature a premiere of the next part of the opera, as well as selected chamber works and a song for voice and one instrument as part of ENAensemble’s New Song Series. Performances will be held in September, November, and January, culminating in a fully-realized “binge-staging” of the opera in 2023.
This performance will feature a double bill of Episodes 1 (originally scheduled for September, postponed due to COVID) and 3
Episode 1:
The first part of the Serial Opera, Wailing at the Moon, features a libretto by Traci D. Williams and music by Sepehr Pirasteh, along with singers Megnot Toggia and Carleen Baron. Rounding out the chamber orchestra will be Leigh Brown (cello), Chelsea Meynig (flute), and Thomas Schuttenhelm (guitar). The performance will also feature the premiere of a new art song entitled “Touching the Sun” with music by Rose Miranda Hall and text by Cecil Castellucci, performed by Toggia and Brown.
Episode 3:
The third part of the Serial Opera, Neither Created, Nor Destroyed, features a libretto by Kendra Preston Leonard and music by Jessica Rudman, along with singers Ayanna Freelon and Marcelle McGuirk. The performance will also feature the premiere of a new art song for soprano and flute entitled “Behind the Counter” with music by Jamey Guzman and text by Mel Abrams, performed by McGuirk and Meynig.
Cecil at Thoughtbubble Festival, UK
Come say hello to Cecil at the Thoughtbubble Festival in Harrogate, UK
Shifting Earth at Destiil in Montreal
Come join Cecil at Destiil Books in Montreal to celebrate the release of her newest graphic novel.
Opera Aria Premiere TOUCHING THE SUN for the ENA Ensemble Celestial Song Cycle
Opera Aria Premiere TOUCHING THE SUN for the ENA Ensemble Celestial Song Cycle in Philadelphia, PA 9/14
ENAensemble presents its second Serial Opera Project, a multi-month performance of a new chamber opera in three parts, written by three different composer-librettist teams and centered loosely around the theme of “the celestial.” Each performance in the series will feature a premiere of the next part of the opera, as well as selected chamber works and a song for voice and one instrument as part of ENAensemble’s New Song Series. Performances will be held in September, November, and January, culminating in a fully-realized “binge-staging” of the opera in 2023.
The first part of the Serial Opera, Wailing at the Moon, features a libretto by Traci D. Williams and music by Sepehr Pirasteh, along with singers Megnot Toggia and Carleen Baron and Chelsea Meynig (flute), Leigh Brown (cello), and Thomas Schuttenhelm (guitar). The performance will also feature the premiere of a new art song entitled “Touching the Sun” with music by Rose Miranda Hall and text by Cecil Castellucci, featuring Toggia and Brown.
Lilliam Rivera in conversation with Cecil Castellucci at Skylight Books
Socially Distant Comic Con with Sara Benincasa
Socially Distant Comic Con with Sara Benincasa
Authors Sara Benincasa and Cecil Castellucci are hosting Socially Distant Comic Con, a virtual comic con held on Instagram Live to benefit CBLDF and the BINC Foundation. If you’re missing convention season then head over to Sara’s and Cecil’s Instagrams this Friday, May 1st from 8 am to 8 pm PST for a full day of interviews with awesome creators.

Miami Book Fair
Saturday November 23rd 2 PM
Magic Screening Room (Building 8, Room 1) 300 NE Second Avenue, Miami FL
The Memory Hole: Your Life in Pictures
Our memories are our most cherished, painful and deceitful possessions – diving back into them means facing realities we’re not always ready for. Cecil Castellucci (Girl on Film), Kevin Huizenga (The River at Night), Brian Fies (A Fire Story), and David Heatley (Qualification), talk about memories, both real and imagined, and discuss how time always provides a new way to process our past. Moderated by author/illustrator Kristen Radtke (Imagine Wanting Only This).…
Vegas Valley Bookfest
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Vegas Valley Comic Book Festival is a free, one-day event celebrating the illustrated word that takes place annually on the first Saturday in November. The Comic Book Festival features publishers, vendors, film screenings, panels, special guests and much more. The next event will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. inside and around the Clark County Library (1401 E. Flamingo Road).
Dragoncon (Atlanta, Georgia)
Dragoncon in Atlanta, Georgia
Title: Visions of the Future: YA Sci-Fi Worldbuilding
Time: Fri 01:00 pm Location: A707 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: YA science fiction is full of visions of the future, both realistic & fantastical. Come join us to discuss talk about the plausibility, technology, & consequences of your favorite YA futures from the Hunger Games, Scythe, Warcross, Ready Player One, Want, & more!
Panelists: Jonathan Maberry, Diana Peterfreund, CB Lee, Cecil Castellucci, Michael Chatfield, Natalie Simpson(M), Claudia Gray
Title: Women Making Great Comics
Time: Fri 02:30 pm Location: 204I - Mart2 (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: It's easy to make average comics...but it takes talent to make great comics! Find out from top comics creators about what not just makes comics good, but what makes them great!
Panelists: Erica Henderson, Cecil Castellucci, Jill Thompson, Jenevieve Broomall, Jami Jones(M), M. M. Chen, Afua Richardson
Title: Beyond Text: Comics & Graphic Novels in YA
Time: Fri 05:30 pm Location: A707 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: Whether they're superhero sagas, anime tie-ins, personal memoirs, or stand-alone stories, we are seeing both YA stories in traditional comics & graphic novels published in YA. Come chat with our amazing panelists about how comics & graphic novels are impacting & expanding YA!
Panelists: Cecil Castellucci, Margaret Robbins(M), Catherine M. Scully, Comfort Love, Adam Withers
Title: YA Genres: What's Hot?
Time: Sat 10:00 am Location: Embassy CD - Hyatt (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: The Y/A market is screaming hot. But where do you fit in? Pros discuss sub-genres, their requirements, & the markets.
Panelists: Nancy Knight(M), Cecil Castellucci, Diana Peterfreund, Lindsay Ribar, Sarah Glenn Marsh, Kelly Lynn Colby
Title: YA Mixtapes: The Playlists Behind Your Favorite Books
Time: Sat 04:00 pm Location: A707 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: An awesome new YA trend is including playlists that inspired your favorite authors or bring a character to life. We'll talk with our guests about the music that inspired them & introduce you to some of our favorites!
Panelists: Cecil Castellucci, K.N. Lee, John G. Hartness, C. Taylor-Butler, Matt Hall(M), D.R. Perry
Title: From DC's Vertigo to Young Animal Comics
Time: Sun 02:30 pm Location: 204I - Mart2 (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: Years ago, Vertigo started as an imprint for comics with DC heroes to appeal to more sophisticated sensibilities of older audiences. Recently, DC's Young Animal imprint did the same thing. Hear from creators who worked at Vertigo & Young Animal to see how one paved the way for the other.
Panelists: Richard Case, Cecil Castellucci, Shawn Crystal, Jill Thompson, Colleen Doran, Tony Barletta(M)
Title: Writing YA: Crafting Characters
Time: Sun 05:30 pm Location: A707 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: What makes a great character in a YA? How do we write teens that actually sound like teens? What makes these characters feel like real people who matter to our lives? Come join our authors as we dig into how to build compelling, realistic characters in YA.
Panelists: Cecil Castellucci, Diana Peterfreund, Cinda Williams Chima, L.L. McKinney, Natalie Simpson(M), Michelle Schusterman
Title: Creating Star Wars Art & Comics
Time: Sun 08:30 pm Location: A706 - Marriott (Length: 1 Hour)
Description: They are artists first, but they can also be known as illustrators & comic book masterminds. Our panel discusses their creative processes & how they broke into the business & just how awesome it is to draw Star Wars.
Panelists: Christian Waggoner, Chrissie Zullo, Robert Hendrickson, Cecil Castellucci, Ed Binkley, Mike Baron